Creighton Hill
has gone through enormous changes since my original idea. The big non
plot related change is in the structure. Originally it was supposed to
be one book. Then I changed it to two. Now I think it is going to be
three. This change in structure I think will be final, since it seems to
have solved the structure related problems I was having. And the
trilogy will be called:
Time Captives
Book One is still Creighton Hill, and I will today introduce you to some of the characters from it.
Hubbard is the current protagonist, though in earlier drafts he wasn't.
He is ten years old, likes to be crazy, and always has a response . . .
not always a nice one.
Allan Hubbard is Joey's older brother. He is chivalrous and gentlemanly.
Jill Hubbard is one of Joey's older sisters. She is eleven, and is really nice. She is scared of a lot of things, though.
Emily Hubbard is their oldest sister. She is fourteen and she acts like it. She really is a typical teenager, which really aggravates her siblings.
Peetur is a kalican who accompanies the Hubbards on their journey through Calhortea.
George Hubbard is from 1800. He disappeared from Creighton Hill when he was twelve years old. There are nine other Hubbards from history as well: Abigail, Thomas, Mary, Theodore, Samantha, Calvin, Eleanor, Jonathan, and Bethany.
Toarna is the main villain. She is a stryte, and the queen of Calhortz.
Captain Jeremy Herb is a pirate captain.
Allan Hubbard is Joey's older brother. He is chivalrous and gentlemanly.
Jill Hubbard is one of Joey's older sisters. She is eleven, and is really nice. She is scared of a lot of things, though.
Emily Hubbard is their oldest sister. She is fourteen and she acts like it. She really is a typical teenager, which really aggravates her siblings.
Peetur is a kalican who accompanies the Hubbards on their journey through Calhortea.
George Hubbard is from 1800. He disappeared from Creighton Hill when he was twelve years old. There are nine other Hubbards from history as well: Abigail, Thomas, Mary, Theodore, Samantha, Calvin, Eleanor, Jonathan, and Bethany.
Toarna is the main villain. She is a stryte, and the queen of Calhortz.
Captain Jeremy Herb is a pirate captain.
There are many other characters in the series, but these are the primary ones at this point.