Monday, February 3, 2014

W: Why . . .

. . . I Wrote The Experiment.

I realize this is a major stretch for an A-Z post, but I didn't really have much to say about the weather, and I've been wanting to blog about this for a while.

I want to say first off that I didn't write The Experiment because dystopian is "in." I didn't even learn the word "dystopian" until I had completed all but my very last revision, and that revision, while it contained a major rewrite of the ending, was due to comments from a test reader, not to having discovered the dystopian genre. Besides, I'm not really sure The Experiment actually is dystopian. "Political thriller" seems to suit it better. But the reason I wrote it is the reason I think dystopian stories are popular. Because it's coming.

I wrote The Experiment because America is heading downhill fast. Even as I wrote it, I worried that the events portrayed in it would become outdated before I finished. Indeed, I hoped it would be in that America would turn around and get back on track. Alas, we have only continued downward. I wrote The Experiment as part of my endeavor to warn people and wake them up to what is happening.

A major part of The Experiment is the government using public schools to indoctrinate people to their cause and control them. This isn't wild speculation. The government is trying to do this. Look at all the regulations placed on schools. The schools and teachers are so wrapped in red tape they can no longer truly teach. Common Core is a major part of this. It creates national standards for education, which is truly a very bad thing. Everyone is different, but Common Core forces everyone to be exactly the same.

Miss Reginald's experiments are something that I sincerely hope will always remain science fiction, but sometimes I have my doubts. My mom has sent me links to several articles which indicate that scientists are trying to do similar things. One article even mentioned a Google person saying it might be possible someday to upload your brain to the internet. I hope it isn't true, but it's scary to think it might be possible.

I don't focus much on religious persecution in The Experiment, but that is something else that I believe is coming. If you look at all the anti-Christian agenda being pushed everywhere, you will see I'm not being a conspiracy theorist. Prayer outlawed in schools, but Muslim indoctrination classes mandated; the constant slaughter of unborn children; perversion considered normal; immorality accepted . . . America is no longer a Christian nation. My pastor even said yesterday in his sermon that though we have not yet experienced religious persecution in America, he thinks it is not far off.

I am not a crazy conspiracy theorist. Yes, I have an active imagination, but it is not imagination that makes me think America is on the brink of destruction. I have been greatly involved in politics for about ten years now, since I was eight years old, and I pay close attention to national, state, and local politics. I have studied our founding documents and principles and helped to teach them. I have listened to talk radio almost every day since I was five, and have learned quite a lot about the true state of our nation. I pay attention to what goes on in this nation, and where we are headed is not a good place. I want people to know what is happening to America.

And that is why I wrote The Experiment.

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