Monday, October 19, 2015

Release Day for The Crossways!

The Crossways is here! At long last, I can introduce Adriel to the world. There's so much I love about this book. And it's available for you all today! Purchase links and all the special release stuff are below the cover and description.

“M’lady, it has been fairly well confirmed that the Redona was hidden away by the merfolk at the conclusion of the Great War instead of destroyed as was commanded. My brother has confirmed to me Joseph’s belief that it was concealed at the Crossways.”

Toarna pressed her fingertips together in thought. “It must be recovered and destroyed as was at first intended.”

Emily, Allan, Jill, and Joey have been reunited with their long lost ancestors. But with that reunion comes the true beginning of their quest: free the rightful king of Calhortz so that he may be restored to his throne. The Redona, the only object that can free him from his long imprisonment, is rumored to be concealed in The Crossways, a mountain across the sea which cannot be entered.

A slave since birth, Adriel’s resentment and hatred towards the strytes only grows as his family is continually ripped from him. He longs for the freedom the Time Captives are prophesied to bring, but he doubts their existence, just as he doubts God’s love. Circumstances in Calhortz are so dire. How could they ever improve?

Who can enter The Crossways? Will the king ever be freed? Or will the slaves of Calhortz lose all hope of freedom before it is even offered to them?

The Crossways is the second book of the Time Captives trilogy, a tale of faith, family, fantasy, and a fight for truth and freedom. 

Buy Now

A bunch of awesome friends are helping to spread the word with a blog tour this week. The tour is full of reviews, interviews, and guest posts. And some of these character interviews came out quite interesting. You won't want to miss it! Here's the full tour schedule so you can visit their fantastic blogs. And don't forget to enter the giveaway, because you could win a free copy of The Crossways!

Monday, October 19

·        Tour Introduction at Morgan Elizabeth Huneke
·        Book Review at Girls Living For God’s Glory
·        Character Spotlight at Knitted by God’s Plan ~ Jaysen
·        Guest Post at Jaye L. Knight ~ Pirate Character Arcs

Tuesday, October 20

·        Book Review at Flights from the Aerie
·        Book Review at The Art of Writing For Him
·        Author Interview at Writing Anyone
·        Guest Post at Bring Your Own Books ~ Time Captives Writer’s Block
·        Character Spotlight at Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections ~ Eleanor
·        The Crossways Inspirations at Morgan Elizabeth Huneke

Wednesday, October 21

·        Book Review at O. Scarlett! Reviews
·        Author Interview at Flights from the Aerie
·        Author Interview at Leah’s Bookshelf
·        Character Interview at Reflections of theHeart ~ Jeremy Herb
·        Guest Post at Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections ~ An American/Medieval Fantasy Culture
·        Character Spotlight at Jaye L. Knight ~ Rae

Thursday, October 22

·        Book Review at Scattered Journal Pages
·        Character Interview at Bring Your Own Books ~ Eleanor
·        Guest Post at In the Character’s Shadow ~ Putting Yourself in Your Characters
·        Character Spotlight at Inklings Press ~ Adriel
·        Surprise Post at Morgan Elizabeth Huneke

Friday, October 23

·        Book Review at Bring Your Own Books
·        Author Interview at Scattered Journal Pages
·        Author Interview at The Art of Writing For Him
·        Character Interview at Flights From the Aerie ~ Adriel
·        Guest Post The Overactive Imagination ~ Choosing the Right Point of View

Saturday, October 24

·        Book Review at Writing Anyone
·        Author Interview at Elvish Pens, Fantastical Writings
·        Character Interview at In the Character's Shadow ~ Joseph
·        Character Interview at Knitted by God’s Plan ~ Grant Weathersby

Monday, October 26

·        Tour Conclusion at Morgan Elizabeth Huneke


  1. Boing, boing, boing.

    It's out! It's out! It's out! Everyone go read it!

    And, in answer to the question ... I'd probably enjoy the food while it lasted, put up with the exercise, and die gloriously.

    1. I'd probably do the same...though I'm not sure my death would be glorious. It would probably be sadly wimpy.

    2. I'll channel my inner Amber. Perhaps recite some poetry as my final breaths slip away from me ...

    3. Sounds good...or not... I think I'd rather you live so we can have more Clarand. ;)

    4. (Perhaps I should make off with the dragon instead of dying then, eh?)

  2. Yay!!! Can't wait to participate in the tour. Congratulations on your release!

  3. In answer to the gladiator question: I would probably die in the first fight.

    1. Me too. I guess we wouldn't make very good gladiators. :)

  4. Hmmm....I would probably fight only to defend myself. I wouldn't want to kill someone who probably didn't deserve it in the first place

    1. I would try to defend myself, but I don't think I'd be very good at it. I wouldn't want to kill someone who didn't deserve it either.

  5. I really don't know what I would do. :)

    1. It would certainly be hard to know what to do in that situation.

  6. I'd put up with it. Eat the food. Get strong. Inflict some karate upon my enemies. And then die after fighting for a while...I couldn't stab someone unless they were trying to stab me. So...maybe I'd survive? But then again...if I survived, I'd have to do it all again. So I'd put up a good fight and then give up. I'd be a terrible gladiator.

    1. Clara-like karate? With a sword too? ;) It's kind of worse than the Hunger Games, even. Rather than just being in it once (unless you were reaped in the Quarter Quell) you'd have to do it over and over again.

    2. Of course(!) Clara-like Karate, but that's not why I said it.
      (I'd probably add in some gymnastics.) And yes, a sword, because swords are good at cutting and stabbing and blocking.
      And yeah, exactly. But at least you only have to kill one at a time, instead of being against 23. So it evens out, I guess...

    3. Maybe not, but you ARE at least partially taking karate because of Clara, right? :)
      Yeah, though I guess it would depend on the victor. If, like Annie, you only won because you could swim, being a gladiator would be worse. If you were the cannibalistic victor, the Games would be a significantly worse thing, though in that case, I suppose you wouldn't care.

    4. You two amuse me.

      (And just thought I'd point out, but the cannibalistic kid wasn't a victor. He was killed by a convenient landslide before his Game ended.)

    5. She provided partial inspiration, yes, but I only actually followed through because of me. The opportunity arose just after the book released. ;)

      Very true. Glad I'm not Adriel, though I love him. I could never be a gladiator.

    6. (Oh, yeah, I forgot about the landslide. Can't have someone like that representing Panem.)

      I'm glad I'm not Adriel too. I can relate to him a lot, but I don't think I could handle his circumstances.

  7. Came here from Leah Good's blog and this book looks very interesting! I'll definitely look into it!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you think it looks interesting.

  8. I am really excited to read this book! Hopefully the next one I read. :)


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