Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Crossways News!

I have big news today! Yesterday, I spent a lot of time on the computer formatting and website editing and getting things ready for publishing. Today I ordered my first proof copy! I obviously don't have it yet, but here are some screenshots of the digital proof.

I'm really super excited about this. And about this!

That's right, you can pre-order The Crossways on Kindle now! That way, it'll be delivered actually shortly before the release. The one eBook I pre-ordered came a bit before midnight, and I've heard the same thing from a friend who has done multiple Kindle pre-orders.

And I set up a PayPal button for signed copy pre-orders. Those will take a little longer, since I'll have to wait for my own shipment, but I'll send them ASAP.

Last, but not least, let's talk blog tour. I've got quite a few people signed up already, but I still have room. I'll close sign-up next Wednesday, so now's your chance to volunteer to help!

So there you have it. Pre-orders, and blog tours, and I'm getting really excited for this release! How about you?


  1. So exciting! I signed up for the blog tour!

  2. Awesome and congrats!

    *looks at to-read list* I could get Creighton Hill on the list and read it in time for Monday. Maybe.


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